Saturday, September 13, 2008


So, I want to thank everyone that came to my art show this last Thursday! If you weren't able to come no worries you can still go throughout the week during the day or if you want to go up on a weekend let me know in advance and I can take you up there. :) So, I didn't impress my 5 yr. old nephew...maybe next time get some Transformers in my pictures...but I got a lot of great feedback which made me feel great. It's an awesome feeling to know that it's not only me who feels that I can take pictures, but that others enjoy it too. I actually sold two! I was so surprised! So, the show was a success, and just so you know my parents were awesome and came up during the week to help me get everything ready and to keep me company during the show when it was slow. If you don't know my parents you should because they're so awesome! :) I also want you to know my siblings and their families are awesome too; they encourage me in everything I do and it's my families support I need the most. So thanks! ...ok I'm done being cheesy. Love yall here's a couple of my favorites from my show!

"Dried Beauty"

"Frayed Beauty"


1 comment:

Williams Family said...

My favorite is the black and white with the yellow flower.